Lake Como and the Silk Industry: A Legacy of Craftsmanship

Lake Como and the Silk Industry: A Legacy of Craftsmanship

I’d very much like to welcome Charlotte Betts as my guest author today. Her latest book, The Italian Garden, is set on the shores of beautiful Lake Como. Nestled in the picturesque Lombardy region of northern Italy, Lake Como is renowned for its stunning...
From Out of Tibet

From Out of Tibet

I’m delighted to welcome to my blog for the first time, author Lee Kaiser. Lee has written a really interesting account of her travels some years ago in Tibet, which inspired her debut novel, Sutra of the Pearl. This part of the world is close to my heart, and I...
My highlights of autumn, 2019

My highlights of autumn, 2019

While there’s always a sense of excitement at the start of a new year, at the same time, there’s a tendency towards nostalgia for the year that’s just passed. I decided that in my first blog of 2020, I’d indulge my nostalgia and look back at...
TRUMP TOWER! Blame this blog on a writer’s curiosity.

TRUMP TOWER! Blame this blog on a writer’s curiosity.

A writer without any curiosity is like a lock without a key. Our curiosity about the world around us, about the people we encounter, both those we know and those we don’t, about what might simmer beneath the surface of what we’re told, of what we read, of what we can...
Fragments of the RNA Summer Party 2017

Fragments of the RNA Summer Party 2017

Twice a year – once in the summer and once in the winter – RNA members and friends gather together in the Royal Overseas League in Park Place, off St. James Street, in order to party, and party the RNA certainly does in style! This year’s Summer...