The RNA Conference 2013 took place in the middle of July in Sheffield, at a conference centre called The Edge, situated in Sheffield University’s Endcliffe Village.
As always, it was a superb conference – very inspiring and I came away full of new ideas.
Once again, I’m putting up a gallery of photos and I’m going to take a back seat and let them do the talking. They’re focused on people at various moments during the conference, and hopefully they’ve captured at least some of the warmth and friendliness which made the conference the pleasure it was. It’s the members of the RNA who make the RNA events the fun that they always are.
I feel it’s appropriate to begin with a gathering of the chocliteers. We are swelling in number, as you can see.
Some of the chocliteers, 2013. Thank you, Lizzie Lamb, for letting me use your photo – it’s much better than the one taken with my camera.
Janet Gover, Jules Wake
Lizzie Lamb, Angela Proctor
Alison Morton
Me, Janet Gover
Waiting for a session to begin, Freda Lightfoot, Denise Barnes, Alison Morton
Addressing the Gala diners, Sue Moorcroft, Christina Courtenay
Christina Courtenay, Jenny Barden, Sarah Mallory
Bernardine Kennedy, Rowan Coleman, Lesley Cookman, Kate Harrison
Jan Sprenger, Julie Houston
Steve Wade
Alison Morton, Liesel Schwarz
Elaine Roberts, Elaine Everest, Francesca Burgess, Natalie Kleinman
Anne Hewland, Eden Parish, Sophie Pembroke
Kate Johnson, winning the Elizabeth Gouge Trophy
Yes, Alison again, with Christine Stovell
Morton Gray, Alison Maynard, Jan Preston, Anne Harvey
Debbie White, Celia Anderson, Vanessa Savage, Laura E. James, Christine Stovell
Liesel Schwarz, Jo Gilliver, Cal Andrews
Alison Morton, Freda Lightfoot, Lynda Dunwell, Finella McKenzie, Denise Barnes
Jan Jones & Christina Courtenay, hard at work
Cathie Hartigan, Su Bristow
On a hot day, where better to hold a session …
And this is what it’s all about. Why, there’s The Road Back!!
And this is also what it’s all about – friends (facing the camera, me, Talli Roland, Sue Moorcroft, Christina Courtenay), food and drink
Gala diners Jenny Barden, Talli Roland, Sue Moorcroft, Christina Courtenay
Katie Fforde, Jane Wenham-Jones
Catherine Jones with Jane Wenham-Jones
Me, Lizzie Lamb
Me, Janet Gover, Rhoda Baxter, Maggi Fox, Alison Morton
Carole Blake, Janet Gover
There’s always someone to talk to
Jenny Haddon, Jenny Barden, Janet Gover
With what better signature could I close my RNA Conference photo gallery than with …
(Mine are the shoes on the right)
All there’s left to say is, roll on RNAConf14!
Great photos, Liz, and not because I’m in a lot of them 😉
The fun we had and the celebration of friendship (and writing!) shine through in these pictures. Roll on RNAConf14!
You were in so many good photos, Alison, that I felt unable to use some of them – it would have seemed like your hagiography!!
what better than these delightful pictures of a conference that I missed! Thank you Liz for sharing these.
Many thanks, Carol. It really was a lovely conference. Perhaps you’ll make the conference next year – I hope so. xx
Lovely pics Liz! Looks like you had a great time.x
We did, Anita, thank you. The conference venue was the best I’ve been to, and I’ve been going since 2005. It was lovely – and the perfect place in which to socialise and to recharge one’s writing batteries. Perhaps you’ll make the next year’s conference. I hope so 🙂
Great pix, Liz. I particularly like the ones around the dining table. 🙂 x
I thought you would have particularly liked the one where you were almost ON the table!! xx
I see you Photoshopped out most of the champagne glasses and chocs!!
Great photos, by the way.
What an eagle eye! There’s no getting anything past you, John 🙂
Fabulous reminders of a wonderful, hot, weekend with friends. Please remind me to close my mouth next time someone does a ‘group shot’ of us – everyone else looks so glamorous! Ooh, I feel all summery again now…
You always look so vivacious in all shots, Jane. It’s a fab look!
Great pix, Liz – a lovely memento of a great conference.
My thoughts entirely, Margaret. Thank you.
It was one of my favourite conferences.
Happy memories – thanks for the pix, Liz.
Jan x
It was a fun conference, wasn’t it? I was looking forward to the next one before I’d even reached my home after the last one. 🙂