As always, a fabulous time was had by all at the RNA Summer Party 2013 – the ambiance at The Royal Overseas League, the company, the food – all were lovely. But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself …
I’ll begin with the Joan Hessayon Prize contenders. Yes, that’s because I’m among them!

The contenders for the Joan Hessayon Prize for New Writers. L to R Carol McGrath, winner Liesel Schwarz, Jenny Barden, Me, Joss Alexander, Cathy Mansell, Serena Clarke, Anne Stenhouse Graham, Henriette Gyland

Guest of Honour, Lindsey Davis, who presented the Romantic Novel of the Year Award to winner, Jenny Colgan
Yes, once again I’ve let my photos do the talking. Bye for now!
Great pics Liz!
Glad you enjoyed them, Liz 🙂
Fun seeing all of you (or some of you) again in the photographs:)
I love putting up photos from events, Beverley, as it gives me the chance to relive the occasion and also to have a leisurely look at what everyone was wearing (trivial? Moi??). That’s why I do pic blogs so often.
Lovely pics Liz! It was great to see you and chat. And think those are my shoes on the right-never made it into one of those shoe pics before!x
I let your glam shoes stand for all of the glam shoes at the party, Anita. I thought that they were really nice. I like the photo of you at the start of the blog, too. Perhaps next time I’ll even get the face and the feet together!
Thanks for sharing, Liz. So much to do and so little time. I hope to see you at the conference in July.
Yet again, another nice pic of you. It’ll be lovely to see you at the conference. We might have time to say something more than, ‘Do you mind if I take your pic for my blog?’ 🙂
Excellent collection of snapshots, Liz. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. And I was wondering when the shoes might make an entrance…
I’m not into shoes, Philip, hence the sparseness of my insight into that area of RNA interest. I aim for comfort. Yes, I know – how boring is that!
So wish I could have been there. The second wasted ticket in 6 months, but am determined to be at the conference.
Everyone looks really happy. Congrats, Liz, for being up there among the contenders.
You were missed at the party, Denise. How sad that you couldn’t make it. You MUST be at the conference, though; I’ve asked to be located near you. 🙂
Great pictures, Liz. I particularly love the one where you refer to my OH as “Tim Gyland” – he’s gonna love that (not)!
Have a look back at the photos. Spot the difference 🙂
Difference spotted! 🙂
Hi Liz,
Lovely to see the photos, especially as I couldn’t be at the party.
Thanks for sharing.
I’m glad that you enjoyed looking at the photos, Lorraine. Thank you for taking the time to say so 🙂