Welcome to My World

The changed face of The Lost Girl

Not literally, of course! No, Charity Walker is still 100% Chinese and looks it. Her Chinese heritage lies at the heart of the novel. But she's going out into the world of...

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Retreating to Kent

  What better place to begin than with a photo of the plush armchair in which I spent my writing retreat, and my laptop. You'll notice that I'm not one for a spartan attic....

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THE LOST GIRL, set in SW Wyoming in the 1870s and 1880s, was published last week amid a mass of enthusiasm on the social media. I feel that the image below, taken at lunch on...

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Liz’s Lovely Blog Hop

My writing friend Sue Moorcroft has kindly invited me to take part in the Lovely Blog Hop, in which writers are asked to talk about some of the things that shaped their life and...

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Another fabulous RNA party

Once again, the imposing Royal Overseas League in Park Place, off St. James Street, a few steps from Piccadilly Circus, was the venue for the annual RNA Winter Party. And once...

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Where there’s a Will …

Thank you, good friend Janet Gover, for tagging me to take part in this fun series of blog postings, and Hello, Australian readers and writers of rural romance, and others. If...

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Two Choc Lit authors’ book launch

On Friday evening, April 4th, a number of Choc Lit authors, their families and friends, gathered together at The Chocolate Factory in the south of London to celebrate the...

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My Writing Space

Many thanks to my friend and colleague, Beverley Eikli, for asking me the following questions about my writing. Beverley and I are colleagues because we're both published by Choc...

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Many thanks to Cathy Mansell for inviting me to be a follow-on guest on this blog tour. If you'd like to find out more about Cathy and her work, you'll do so on...

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The fabulous RNA Winter Party, 2013

It's becoming a habit of mine, putting up photographs after each RNA event, but the events are so enjoyable that I want an excuse to look at them again, and I want a permanent...

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